Sunday, 22 July 2012

An eleven-hour first date

Yes. Eleven hours. Now, that could go two ways. Either it was horrific and there was some accident/emergency room visit/navigation problem or it was good and just evolved. In this case it was, thankfully, the latter. The second set-up.

I got an email earlier this week and we quickly and easily found a good time and made interesting (no boring coffee here!) plans.

On Saturday he picked me around 11:00 a.m. up and we went to an out-of-town music festival. He made a lovely picnic lunch (which I also contributed to), even accommodating my annoying vegetarian habits. When we got there the place was dead. The music hadn't quite started yet. So we sat and had our lunch and talked. He is attractive, funny, fit, employed, kind and generous. Huh. Good one friend-who-set-us-up.

So after lounging with our picnic and the music festival still not underway, we decide to go for a walk. He -- let's call him Reese (again, arbitrary, except I'm eating a Reese Peanut Butter Cup right now) -- and I wander around, looking at shops. Great conversation, we like looking at the same types of shops, he is thoughtful and friendly, even with passersby. We come to a pub and stop for a beer. More great conversation, laughs with the couple at the table next to us and he pays for the beer (well, done).

From there we walk back to the festival, we enjoy music for about an hour or so, then he asks if maybe I'd like to have dinner or I'd prefer to head home. I think dinner would be nice and Reese tells me he did some research, and if I like Indian, he found an Indian restaurant in the area with really great reviews. First, do I like Indian? Does a bear shit in the woods? Hellz yes! Second, planning and thoughtful research? Who the hell is this guy and how is he single?

We find the Indian place. It *is* amazing (though it looks like a hospital cafeteria). We take about ten times longer than any Indian person having dinner, but so does the other non-Indian table. Still, you know if Indian people eat there, the food is definitely amazing. After that we leisurely walk back through the music festival finally wending our way back to his car, and we proceed to drive home. More great conversation. Though he does say one thing that makes me think maybe he sin't really looking for a relationship (maybe he came out because our friend, well, my friend, his neighbour, set us up and he felt obligated?)

Anyway, eleven hours after he picked me up, he drops me off, simply says goodbye and then drives away. Wait, what?!? He didn't ask if I wanted to see him again or anything! So maybe it was obligation. But no, the next morning (this morning) and email thanking me for a lovely time, and saying he would like to do it again but understands if I don't, just didn't want to put me on the spot in person.

I wish all guys would do this, leave the "next date" ask until the next day, or at least, not immediately following the first date, in person, when you haven't even sorted out your thoughts. A much easier way to say no if you weren't feeling it too, and it saves everyone face. As we know I am terrible at saying no when asked because I just don't want to be a jerk, so I say yes and end up on second and third and fourth dates I never wanted to be on in the first place. But in this case, yes. It's a yes.

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